Welcome to the official page of the Young Conservative branch in Macclesfield.
Our objective is to create an enjoyable and appealing platform for younger people to socialise, debate and campaign with likeminded individuals. At its heart the branch is designed to voice the opinions of younger people in Macclesfield who are interested in contributing in local and national politics.
We aim to improve the representation of young conservatives in the local area, creating a party more reflective of the community and better prepared for future challenges.
If you want to be involved in the foundation and future running of the group, please do not hesitate to contact us using this email.
Our History
From the Junior Imperial and Constitutional League founded in 1906 to the Young Conservatives rebranded in 2018, youth engagement has been a part of the Conservative Party for more than 100 years. The youth wing has been through many changes over the past few years and it remains a vital part of the Conservative Party.
The Young Conservatives is organised at a local level within Associations. All Party members aged 25 and under are automatically members of the Young Conservatives and are organised into branches within their local Associations.
The Macclesfield Young Conservative Association became an official branch in 2020, and we look forward to a long a prosperous future. We exist as a subsidiary of the main association, aiming to work effectively with the local party in sharing the values of conservatism throughout the community.
Upcoming Events:
Launch Party: (TBC)
Introduction Zoom Meeting: (TBC)